What is Sunday Like?
Every Sunday we sing together about and to God to remind one another of his amazing grace and love poured out through Jesus into our hearts by his Spirit, and we hear God's word preached. Sundays are a time to gather together with like-minded people that live and work in Stratford and surrounding areas to celebrate the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It is also a time to remind each other of the truth of the Gospel that transformed and continues to transform our lives. We strongly believe that 118520 Fieldcrest Drive is just a building, but when God’s children come together, that is the church!
Sunday School
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM
Please join us for a cup of coffee while we enjoy an interactive time of studying God’s Word.
Nursery Available
For ages 3 and under
Children’s Sunday School
Ages 3-7 years old
Ages 8-11 years old
Youth Sunday School
Ages 12-18 years old
Main Service
10:15 AM - 11:30 AM
Our main service time consists of singing, praying, Scripture reading, preaching, announcements, and a time of fellowship following the preaching. We encourage everyone to use the 15-minute break between Sunday School and the Main Service to prepare for the next time of worship.
Plan a visit to Community Bible Church.